Meal, if varicose veins: functions and rules

The main rules of food as varicose veins aims to improve the efficiency of the treatment. Its about what you can and can't eat diseases ven we are dealing with today.

The goal foods for particular nutritional uses

diet as varicose veins

The disease is chronic, therefore, requires a holistic approach. In addition, a proper diet must be implemented in all the doctor's prescriptions preventive. Wearing compression wash, moderately to waive the physical load.

The diet is aimed at:

  1. By strengthening the walls of blood vessels. Food that is rich in vitamins and trace elements-in terms of, helps improve elasticity and reduces the permeability of the walls of blood vessels, has anti-inflammatory effect.
  2. Decreased blood viscosity. Blood thinning and prevent blood clots are recommended to follow the drinking regime and to avoid dehydration.
  3. Autumn tissue swelling. The diet helps solve the problem of fluid retention in the body, which is the main cause of the swelling.
  4. Normalization of the work of the bowel. Toxic substances that are deposited in the body, because of the regular constipation, had a negative effect on the vein. As a result, increases the load on the vascular walls and the pressure in the lower extremities/organs of the pelvis.
  5. The fight against excess weight. Extra pounds provokes a pressure increase in the blood channels, which is one of the main factors in the cause of varicose veins.

Active lifestyle and proper nutrition, because in a short period of time to restore the depleted vein.

Diet should be and after the treatment with minimally invasive methods. The pathology of most cases ago. Bad habits and the wrong diet, the best conditions to relapse.

Diet principles

Menu drawing up the doctor takes into account:

  • age of the patient;
  • weight;
  • lifestyle;
  • heredity;
  • prone to allergies.

The diet is based on the use of the products, which contribute to the normal circulation, accelerate metabolism and lymph circulation, prevent stagnant phenomenon. The right balanced diet can help prevent inflammation in the formation of blood vessels.

Which is useful

Beneficial for vein health is considered:

  • routines;
  • cellulose;
  • bioflavonoids;
  • copper;
  • potassium;
  • magnesium and so on

Table of useful vitamins and trace elements

Useful substances Provided, the impact of the Where to be found
Plant fibers Improves digestion, prevents constipation Bran, cereals, vegetables, fruits
Vitamin C Thins blood, lowers inflammation in the vein, strengthens the walls of blood vessels Cranberries, citrus fruit, kiwifruit, apples, currants, gooseberries, fresh herbs
Vitamin E Protects the damaged muscle membrane Wheat germ, vegetable oils, nuts, eggs, salad
Bioflavonoids To stabilize the cell membranes, I am taking part in the synthesis of collagens, increase the elasticity of blood channels Green tea, buckwheat, berries, citrus fruit
Zinc Normalizes blood viscosity, participates in hematopoiesis Yolk, pine nuts, beef liver and soybean
Omega 3 fatty acids Protects blood vessels from damage, helps to reduce cholesterol Seafood, spinach, vegetable oils, liver of cod fish
Silicon The synthesis involved in elastin and collagen production, strengthens the walls of blood vessels Beans, buckwheat, rice, wheat, oats, soy, grape
Copper Prevents thinning and enlargement of the veins, participates in elastin synthesis Seafood, merikapsas

What should be a charming present in the food

Positively affect blood channels:

  1. Meat—, chicken -, veal -, rabbit. It is desirable that the meat is cooked couple. It is also useful when varicose veins and beef liver. And here is the fatty pork is better to give up.
  2. Fish and seafood are – prawns, squid, mussels – a great alternative to lihatoitude aside.
  3. Vegetables. Cabbage, tomatoes, peppers, carrots, beets are those foods, which should be the basis of the daily diet if you have health problems veins.
  4. Grain – brown long rice, buckwheat. Is able to supply the body the necessary energy. Include vegetable fiber and minerals.
  5. Seaweed. Contains minerals that are positively affected by restoration of the blood vessels.
  6. Dried fruits. Dried apricots and plums in large quantities contain a number of different minerals, including potassium and magnesium, that contribute to blood thinners and strengthen the vein. Is a great substitute for sweets.
  7. Spices. Turmeric, ginger and thyme in its composition are the components that help to improve the properties of the blood.
  8. Seafood. Enrich the body's omega-3. In their place the resorption of cholesterol plaques, which positively affects blood flow.
  9. Nuts and legumes. Its composition containing vitamin E, more than digested proteins of plant origin.
  10. Fruits and berries. Positively affect the respiration, as is the c source of vitamin C.
  11. Sprouted wheat. In addition, which helps the body to clean, it includes amino acids, fatty acids and vitamins.
  12. Olive oil. It contains large quantities of c-vitamin E. the Oil enough is simply added to salads.

That under the ban

a proper diet, as varicose veins

Who want to get rid of varicose veins should be avoided:

  1. The roasted meat. It enriches the body's cholesterol. Blood changes viscosity, a rigid veins difficult to promote your heart.
  2. Mayonnaise. Food manufacture is the best to use milk sauces. They are more useful, and make the dish is still tastier.
  3. The decoder juices. Practically does not contains useful substances. Therefore, it is them the best to eat itself. Too sour juices are best diluted with water at a ratio of 1:3. So that the body can be necessary for him to the elements, without damage to your stomach.

Dangerous is the following:

  • alcoholic beverages. Cause swelling, promotes blood clots formation. Many an interesting question whether it is possible in the treatment of varicose veins to drink alcoholic beverages and energy. The answer is no — they exacerbate the disease process;
  • strong coffee and tea. These drinks the blood viscous, which significantly increases the pressure;
  • the smoked products. Contribute to the inflammatory processes;
  • salt. A variety of salted, pickled cause of limb swelling;
  • aerated beverages. Contribute to varicose veins in the legs;
  • sweets. Their excessive consumption may cause a excess weight emergence. This, in turn, causes a serious disease of the blood vessels.

Also should be to abandon the semi-finished products, canned food, burger, spices. They are in their composition, contain natural components.

The characteristics of the profile

That the blood well circulated, be follow the drinking regime. To calculate the desired amount of water can be so: each / kg body weight of 40 ml of water.

Thus, a girl of 60 kg per day should be to drink at least 2.4 litres.

There is opinion, that in the treatment of varicose veins may drink water with less than these standards, as it includes soups, juices, tea. This is misleading. The products listed is a substance, which, on the contrary, hinder the blood thinners.

Very strongly dehydrate the body, strong tea and coffee. So it is best to drink compotes, fruit drinks, herbal teas and freshly squeezed juices.

Optimal kalorisisaldust

Norm of calories as a diet of 30 kcal / kg body weight. So a woman weighing 60 kg should consume up to 1800 kcal.

If it is necessary to reducing weight, the norm is 1200 kcal for women and 1500 for men.

Special tips

All of the diets if varicose veins the aim of which is to reduce weight, because many know that this disease is more frequent is full of people. So menus should be deleted from all the components, which contribute to the education of the lower extremities swelling.

A large part of the diet should be fresh vegetables and fruits. Eat to be a couple, boil or bake.

Relieve swelling help foods that contain in its composition of dietary fiber and protein. It is to berries, dairy products, cereals, cereals, bran.

Eat should be often and in small quantities. A couple of times a week need to organize the unloading of the day. In this period it is worth to limit the consumption of alcohol is a food, and prefer water, juices, juice drinks and green tea.

The estimated food menu as varicose veins

About the menu can be set up as:

  1. Breakfast. Mash with water or milk. Supplement it can of chopped fruits and berries.
  2. The second breakfast. Salad and green tea.
  3. Lunch. Soup or boiled fish and salad vegetables.
  4. Kellaviietee. Yogurt with fruit or berries.
  5. Dinner. Fried or buckwheat and vegetables or fish.
  6. 3 hours before bedtime can drink a glass of milk, yogurt or kisselli.

One of the suitable nutrition as varicose veins is directed to the weight normalization. This includes:

Breakfast A small sandwich out of bread and cheese, 150 g fruit and a glass of juice.
Second breakfast Low-fat yogurt or green tea.
Lunch Baked fish with garnish of cereals or vegetables.
Kellaviietee Fruit or vegetable salad flavored with olive oil.
Dinner Tomato black bread or dishes curd and egg.

Remember that food must be coordinated with your doctor. It tells you what products are suitable for just You.